How Do You Determine Shipping Cost?
Shipping cost varies and depends on:

  • Destination Address - The fees will be listed before checkout.
  • Certain Types of Sale Offers (i.e. Free Shipping, Percentage Off, etc.)

Why Didn't My Order Arrive In One Package?
Depending on the items in an order, parts of the order might ship from multiple warehouses and could arrive at different times. This helps to reduce wait times. Please don't panic, this is normal. Your items are on the way!

Which locations do you ship to?
You currently ship to the following places:  

  • U.S. Mainland & Hawaii
  • U.S. Territories: (Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands)
  • U.S. Military Bases
  • Canada
  • Europe
  • Mexico
  • Australia

We will expand our reach as needed. If you would like to suggest shipping destination, contact us.



How Long Will My Order Take To Arrive?
The shipping time will depend on your "delivery location" and the chosen "item".

  • See shipping times listed on product descriptions.
  • Items ordered may arrive in multiple packages, this is due to our items being sourced from different suppliers.

Track My Order?
Tracking codes are sent to the email used to place your order. It will include directions on how to track your package.


  • Upon purchasing, you will receive an order confirmation email immediately, but tracking information will not be available until your order has been printed and shipped out.
  • Tracking may not be available for some Non-U.S. addresses.

No Information With Tracking Code
You should see "tracking events" within 48-72 hours after you have received the tracking code.

Shipment Status Isn't Changing (Delayed)
Delivery delays can be due to weather, customs, holiday backlogs, destruction, loss, or theft.

Once an item has shipped, an expected delivery date is posted with the tracking.

If the expected delivery date has been missed by 3-5 days, contact us immediately for options to remedy the problem.